Email Marketing

Abel & Cole

We were excited to work with Able and Cole on a new recruitment channel for them. The business is in a pretty new sector; organic food home delivery. The consumer is still needing to be educated, with the target audience still taking shape.

What We Did

We started by looking at two disparate target audiences, Healthy Planners and Foodies. Matching these to current customers against the data we hold helped us to identify key insight.

Our approach then was to segment the data into two audiences and adapt the copy, offer and overall creative execution to talk to the groups in different ways.

After selecting the two audiences we planned the delivery over four email sends, with different messages at each stage. This would run over a 6 week period, with the delivery, opens, clicks and unsubscribes being monitored on every send.

What Happened Next

As the campaign ran we learned more each send, the sign ups were also getting fed back to us to refine the profile audiences further.

We engaged with the engagers and tailored messages to push them to test the product or at least sign up to learn more. Overall they achieved 351 new spending customers from this send and a large number of email sign ups, now in their database to work and get to purchase. The Healthy Planners segmented audience we built out-performed the Foodies in terms of purchases, with the Foodies being a little more hesitant to purchase but keen to learn more.

0 %
Above target open rate
0 %
Above target unique clicks

The team at Omnis made this email more than a regular campaign, they created great insight, operationally delivered and worked as an extension of the internal team at Abel.

Data Strategy Director

Mike Fisher

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